
Good Practice Saves Software

Create a positive reporting culture across your team, no matter where they are

Building and sustaining a strong reporting culture is a common challenge in health and safety management. Obstacles to reporting good practice saves can include fear of reporting, lack of understanding, and perceived inefficiency in terms of the amount of paperwork generated.

Here at Mirashare our customers tell us that simplifying the reporting process is key to success. That's where our Good Practice Save Module can make a real difference. Your workforce can easily report in seconds either using our online form, or via Mirasnap, our Mobile Reporting App. Whether it's an unsafe act, process defect, hazardous environmental condition or training issue, you can capture them all in one place.

Record proactive actions and assess basic and root causes, preventing potential issues becoming near misses or incidents in the future. With your team empowered to report, you can make the right informed decisions that ultimately ensure your workplace is safer and healthier for everyone.

Key Features

Good Practice Saves


Empower your workforce to report with ease

Empower your workforce to report with ease

  • Promotes positive active reporting of events across the business.
  • Report in seconds from anywhere, anytime using our Mobile Reporting App.
  • Strengthens reporting culture leading to a more mature health & safety program.
  • Option to create mobile only users makes set up easy and relevant for you.
Reduce future Incidents and Near Misses

Reduce future Incidents and Near Misses

  • Provides clear insight into issues that may have gone unnoticed.
  • Helps reduce likelihood of incidents by addressing unreported concerns earlier.
  • Increased adherence to safety protocols as best practice remains front of mind.
  • Record basic and root causes to help prevent similar events happening again.
  • Earlier and easier identification of trends to ensure a focus on prevention.
Building a safer workplace with continuous improvement

Building a safer workplace with continuous improvement

  • Central, searchable database leads to more holistic decision making.
  • Helps drive ongoing improvements in health and safety processes.
  • Record and track actions that prevent unsafe, wasteful, or inefficient events.
  • Can be integrated with reward schemes to incentivise participation.