Managing workplace risk is a key part of any EHS strategy. It involves the assessment of risk, improvement in compliance, and increased awareness across teams regardless of business type.
Mirashare's Risk Assessment Software simplifies the process with its centralised, version-controlled risk assessments. The key steps involved are to choose/create a template, identify the hazards, add any control measures, calculate hazard risk scores using the risk matrix, and raise any actions required.
This largely removes the need for paper, although the option to print the full risk assessment is available should it be required. Access can be controlled at the individual level, so you can ensure it is carried out or viewed only by suitably authorised people. Once a specific risk assessment has been created it can be made available to many, for example a laboratory safety risk assessment may need to be carried out by certain employees on a regular basis. Keeping risk assessment up to date is key to safety and the options available within this sophisticated module will help you deal with many different scenarios.
Find out more about our DSE Assessment Module